Posts in Breakfast
Pumpkin Bread

Now, this is not the first pumpkin bread I have made for my website. I have an amazing recipe for Chocolate Swirled Pumpkin Bread with Spiced Streusel. I wanted to create a classic pumpkin bread recipe, so that is what THIS recipe is. It’s such an easy recipe, anyone can do this AND it is legitimately the best pumpkin bread I have ever had. I don’t mean to pat myself on the back buuuuttttt… oh well, it’s that good!

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Chocolate Swirled Pumpkin Bread with Spiced Streusel

Is it pumpkin spice season yet?? No? Oh well! As long as they sell canned pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice in the stores, then it's pumpkin spice season in my books. So, I'm making Chocolate Swirled Pumpkin Bread with Spiced Streusel!

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Creamy Deviled Eggs

There are just some things in life that are really addicting! Potato chips, fries, cookies, chocolate…. and deviled eggs!! I feel like I can eat a million of these in one seating. I think the best deviled eggs I ever had were at a brunch in Houston, when my sister was living there.

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Pink Strawberry and Sour Cream Scones

I am a major breakfast lover. I’m pretty sure I could have breakfast at every meal, and be completely content with life. Scones are one of my favorites, but I have to say, I am pretty picky. I am not a fan of soft cakey scones. I like them to be buttery and slightly crumbly. 

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Morning Oats with Hemp Milk, Chia Seeds, and Berries

I have posted pictures of these Morning Oats with Hemp Milk, Chia Seeds, and Berries on my Instagram stories, and it barely feels like a recipe, but I get asked by a number of people what it is! So, I thought I would share the “recipe” here!

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