Watch β€” From Scratch with Maria Provenzano

Guess what!? I’m now sharing even more inspiration on YouTube! The goal of this channel is to inspire you to make every day a celebration through cooking and creating…From Scratch! Subscribe if you'd like to receive new videos from me every week!


On-Air Press


Good Morning America

Beat the heat with some cool summer slushy recipes!

Good Morning America

GMA invited me to share my favorite From Scratch Choco Taco after the summer staple was discontinued after 40 years.


I joined KTLA to share my favorite ways to welcome the Back to School season for your little ones including quick and easy breakfast ideas.


California Live - NBC

I joined Lawrence Zarian to talk about my new book, β€œEveryday Celebrations From Scratch”!

News Channel 8

I shared some exclusive recipes and ideas from my new book, β€œEveryday Celebrations From Scratch” on NBC!


I stopped by KTLA to share a preview of my new book, β€œEveryday Celebrations From Scratch”!

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