Posts tagged flowers
DIY Dried Flower Candles

hese DIY decoupage flower candles are an easy way to add a creative touch to your space with your own unique twist. I ordered dried flowers online and attached them to battery-powered candles using Aleene’s Decoupage. This decoupage can be used to adhere the flowers to the candle and seal the flowers on the candle for a smooth finish – you don’t need another adhesive for this DIY. I have Aleene’s Premium Decoupage on hand all of the time. It is a staple in my craft room, and you can order your own too!

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DIY Reindeer Vases

How adorable are these DIY Reindeer Vases?!? I love decorating with flowers any time of the year, but Christmas is extra special. Fake or real, I have flowers everywhere in my house. This DIY idea came to me when I saw a unicorn vase with the lashes and thought that the reindeer would look adorable all dolled up as well.

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DIY Floral Wall Clock

I think it’s time to make wall clocks fashionable again! We always check the time on our phone, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a piece of art to look at while we are checking the time? This DIY Floral Wall Clock is a perfect way to add a little bit of art into your functional decor.

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Summer Nights DIY Tablescape with Lights and Flowers

Outdoor entertaining is the best way to enjoy warm summer nights! Flowers are my favorite way to decorate for almost anything, because they add color and softness that make any tablescape look extra fancy. This is actually a really simple process! All you need to do is hang bailing wire from tree branches, or posts,…

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