What fruit is in season!?

Michigan cherries From Scratch with maria provenzano

Michigan cherries From Scratch with maria provenzano

I don't know about you, but after living in three different states, I am all confused about when things are in season! PLUS, you can find a lot of different fruits throughout the year in the grocery store, but that doesn't mean they are actually in season.

After living in Michigan my entire childhood, I do know that apples are in season in the fall, BUT you can get them all year long. How the heck are we supposed to know what is seasonal? I love going to the farmer's market as much as possible, but it isn't always convenient.

When fruit is in season, it always taste so much better than the fruit that is "forced" to be in season. Meaning, it is created in a lab to look like seasonal fruit, but doesn't have as much flavor. So, if we can get produce in the season where it thrives, then we will all be healthier, plus the food will taste better.

To help us all out, here is a fruit chart that shows when fruits are in and out of season from berries.com

