Eat Nakd: The Wholefood Revolution



The older my baby gets the busier I am! I find myself on-the-go all of the time and since I am super picky about what I snack on I seem to be doing the same old thing...carrots, apples, bananas... which only hold me over for a short time.  I recently found out about these Eat Nakd bars (I love the name!) that are made by a new company that is on board with the "wholefood revolution!"  Everyone is more aware of their health and therefore wanting companies to produce food that isn't so processed and filled with preservatives.  These bars are the answer to those requests. Eat Nakd bars are packed with flavor, normal ingredients that you can spell, and the ingredient list is super small.  For example the Cocoa Orange bar has dates, cashews, raisins, cocoa, along with orange and chocolate flavor (think of the way you add vanilla flavor to cookies).  I like them because they have natural sweetness with good texture and you don't feel like you are eating health food!  For all of the people out there on a wheat free diet these are the bars for you.

I think the most important things about daily eating is balance and having food that is the least processed as possible.  Being aware of the ingredients in your food is the best way to get on the right track.  These Eat Nakd bars are 100% natural with no sugar, wheat, or dairy. They are purely fruit and nuts.  I love that they have so many flavors too... gingerbread, rhubarb and custard, cocoa delight, and caffe mocha to name a few.  They are easy to keep in your purse or gym bag for on-the-go.  You would be able to give these to your kids (as long as they don't have a nut allergy) and not feel badly about it.  These could even be a good thing to have around the office to snack on!  I am also a crazy person about bringing food with me when I travel and instead of buying granola bars that have tons of sugars and syrups these are better alternative.

Many people find that a wheat free diet aids in their overall health.  Eat Nakd Natural Balance Foods has a GREAT article on their site that explains "wheat free diet" in full and how it helps your body.  If you are feeling sick from all of the bad food you are eating it could be possible that a wheat free diet is the right prescription for you.  Many people out there have an slight allergy or an extreme allergy like celiac disease.  A very good friend of mine deals with the extreme reaction and these bars would be a saving grace for her.  Everywhere we go she needs to make sure that she has something with her that she knows she can eat without getting intensely sick.  Eat Nakd Bars provide the people on a wheat free diet with the help they need for on the go snacking!  For much more information on a wheat free diet please read the article on the Eat Nakd Natural Balance Foods website.

Check out their website, Twitter, or Facebook page for more information.  You an order them easily on


