Blue Baby Shower Diaper Cake Centerpiece

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

When experienced moms try to tell expecting moms how many diapers they will go through (especially in the beginning) I don't think they actually get the full idea until they are living in it! I know I didn't fully wrap my head around just how many diapers one baby can go through in a day until I had my baby!! I love making diaper cakes as gifts for baby showers because they are really pretty AND really practical.  I blogged about a gender neutral diaper cake that I made a little while ago, but I wanted to share this one because it's much bigger and I love the idea of adding flowers in the top for a centerpiece.  The idea came to me because I didn't have time to go to the craft store to get something to decorate the top BUT I did have time to go to the grocery store.  So when I was in charge of a center piece for a baby shower I thought the idea of flowers again would be perfect! As time has gone on and I have made more and more diaper cakes I thought it was a cute idea to do different sizes of diapers for the different layers.  It helps the tier effect as well as helps the expecting mom out.  I can't tell you how many times I would wonder if I should buy bigger diapers and this way they have some stocked up and they can test it out without going out to buy diapers. This makes for a really fun centerpiece for a baby shower and you can use whatever colors you like!

Tweet/Facebook/Instagram your diaper cakes with the hashtag #mariaprovenzano

Diaper Cake

Empty Paper Towel Holder

Empty Toilet Paper Roll


Large rubber bands; like the ones from the grocery store or office supply

Small hair rubber bands (optional; see note below)

Board or platter to put the cake on

2 rolls of large thick ribbon

Small bunch of flowers

small plastic bag

any other fun decorations you want!


(Starting from the bottom)

Layer 1- All size 3 diapers

1st row- 6 diapers

2nd row- 11 diapers

3rd row- 16 diapers

4th row- 22 diapers

Layer 2- Size 2 diapers

1st row- 6-7 diapers

2nd row- 13 diapers

3rd row- 18 diapers

Layer 3- Size 1 diapers

1sr row- 6-7 diapers

2nd row- 13 diapers

Layer 4: Newborn Size diapers

1st row- 6-7 diapers

How to put it together

*Tape the paper towel holder to the board or platter (I had to transfer mine when I got to the location so I gently taped it on so that I could pull it off to carefully transfer to another platter.  I don't recommend this BUT it is possible)

*Roll the diapers and secure them with either a large rubber band or a small hair rubber band

Note: I like using the small rubber bands for rolling the diapers and then the large rubber bands to go around the smaller rows.  When you get the the larger rows I like to put the rubber bands near the top of the diaper and then, instead of the large rubber band I just wrap the ribbon around the row and secure it with tape THEN remove the rubber bands from the top of the diapers so that it looks clean and pretty)

*For the first layer place the 6 diapers around the paper towel

*Use a large rubber band and stretch over the paper towel holder and over the diapers to secure

*Grab another large rubber band and do the same thing

*For the next row you can simply place the rolled diaper in the large rubber band and fill the rest of that row with diapers (see picture)

*Repeat until you get to the outside layer when you probably won't be able stretch the large rubber band that far so you can place the rolled diapers secured with rubber bands in a row around the other diapers and then take the ribbon and wrap it around the center of the row of diapers

*Secure it with tape

*Repeat with each layer (see picture)

*When you get to the top layer place the toilet paper roll into the paper towel to create a higher tower to put the final row around and have a hole to put the flowers in

*Make sure each row's ribbon is centered and secured

*Tape the small bunch of flowers together towards the top of the stems

*Fill a plastic bag with a small amount of water and place the ends of the flower stems in the water and wrap the top of the bag tightly with a rubber band so that no water can come out

*Place the bunch of flowers with the water attached into the top of the cake where you have created a hole with the toilet paper roll; it should sit nicely at the top of the diapers as the toilet paper and paper towel holders work almost like a vase

*Create 4 large bows with the ribbon and place them over the area where you taped the ribbon together to hold each diaper row (this way you can't see any tape or rough ends of the ribbon); I just use tape to secure them in, but you could also glue them

*Decorate with anything else you like!

Blue Baby Shower Diaper Cake Centerpiece

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

blue diaper cake

Click here for my smaller and gender neutral diaper cake post

neutral diaper cake

neutral diaper cake