American Flag Watercolored Napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

Watercolor Napkins


White cotton napkins

Non-toxic acrylic paint; red, white, and blue

Paint brush; one small foam brush, one small paint brush

Water; about 1 cup

Bowl for water/paint mixture; a mason jar works great

Towel; one you aren’t worried about ruining


*Place the white napkin onto the towel

*In a bowl combine about a 1 cup water and about 2 heaping teaspoons of the desired paint color

*Stir well with a paint brush to combine

*Start by dipping the foam brush in the water and press it along the side of the jar to prevent it from being soaking wet

*Use the foam paint brush to carefully swipe the water and paint mixture over the napkin

*If you want the color to be darker add more paint, if you want it lighter add more water

*Swipe the watercolor with the brush in as perfect or imperfect lines as you like

*The napkin will be pretty damp

*Once you are done; allow the napkin to dry completely; do this by hanging it with a pants hanger with clips for the best (and fastest) results

*Once the napkin is dry (anywhere from 1-8 hours), use the small paint brush to freehand paint white stars onto the blue water-colored napkin; optional

*These can be washed by hand with gentle detergent

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

watercolor napkins

burlap mason jar

burlap mason jar