Wine CORKucopia
I have an absurd amount of wine corks that I have held onto thinking that I will do some kind of craft with them at some point! I have a bulletin board made of wine corks... which actually comes in handy! BUT when I was planning my wedding I had ordered wine corks on Etsy that were supposed to be name place holders. We ended up going with something else for name place holders, so now I really had an overabundance of wine corks! To make a long story longer... I had too many corks... hence... my creation of the wine cork cornucopia!
*I made the shape of the CORKucopia with aluminum foil. This way I had something to glue the corks onto that was moldable and would be sanitary to put food in for decoration.
*Using a glue gun I simply glued the corks onto the foil
*I started from the smallest part and did the bottom first. Then made my way around the shape.
*It took me about 120 corks... but you can make this as big or small as you would like!
*I cut some corks in half or quarters in order to fit them to the curvature of the shape
It's a fun idea to add to a Thanksgiving table display! Use it for fruit in the morning, to hold rolls for dinner, and to display cookies for your dessert table.