Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

Josie Maran Giveaway From Scratch With Maria

Josie Maran Giveaway From Scratch With Maria

I often write about my infatuation with make-up, but I rarely talk about skincare. Dealing with my skin has been an uphill battle my entire life. I have been on every medicine possible. I even went through acutane, which is a very intense medicine that internally works with your skin to kill severe acne, such as cystic acne. I have done peels, microdermabrasion, and lasers. I have done almost everything!

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

Recently I met with an amazing rep for the Josie Maran skincare line, and she was very passionate about how the skincare line works. I thought I would give it a shot! I was actually skeptical, because it is oil based. Anyone who struggles with acne knows, that oily products tend to be the enemy, BUT I was pleasantly surprised. The Josie Maran face wash is an oil you rub on your skin when dry, and turns milky when rinsed with water, which ends up cleanses your skin. It actually took all my face make-up off and left my skin feeling clean, without feeling super dry. Josie Maran also offers an exfoliating powder, which goes well with the face wash. Just add it to the oil face wash, and exfoliate your skin. It is amazing!

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

Something I never tend to splurge on is body lotion. I usually get whatever looks appealing at Target, but the Josie Maran Body Butter is to die for! It is the best body lotion I have ever tried in my life. It keeps my skin so hydrated; I want to swim in it!

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

I also love the illuminating wand, aka highlighter. I dab it onto the highest part of my cheekbones, and it creates a really pretty highlight that makes my skin look dewy and fresh.

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

After using this skincare line for about a week, I was on the set of Home and Family, and the make-up artists could tell the difference in my skin. They are always so great about helping cover up my skin struggles, and it was a nice change for them to not worry about my skin for once! My skin has felt more hydrated, and I’ve had fewer breakouts.

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

Weekly Favorite + Josie Maran GIVEAWAY!!!

The Josie Maran skincare line can be found at Sephora, AND we teamed up to do a GIVEAWAY for the From Scratch readers!! Enter below for a chance to win the amazing Josie Maran Body Butter! It will be your new favorite skincare product!!

Congrats Marie Raye on winning!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway