Moving Essentials With ULINE
uline boxes from scratch with maria
We are moving....up the street! It isn't a huge distance, but packing up everything we own is not a small undertaking. Between all of my craft items and kitchen items...and all my son's toys, I don't know who is worse. My poor husband just gets in trouble for having too many golf shirts. I mean, do you really need that many?
Well, you may have noticed that I have been a little MIA on the blog, and it is because we have been searching, and packing, and cleaning, and moving, and living in chaos! I am a one women machine, so I have had to put my creating on the back burner for a couple weeks, but do not worry!!! I will be back in full force in the coming weeks, and definitely by the end of the month. I kid you not, I tried to get a project done yesterday during my "lunchtime" break from moving, and half of my items were at the new place and half were at the old place. I don't have internet at the new place, but I don't have kitchen supplies at the old place. I really am living in between two places right now! So, I am very sorry to not be posting new and fun things during my favorite time of year!
So my whole point, as I have been rambling on, is that I wanted to share an idea with you. When anyone is in the moving process, you are always looking for boxes to pack everything in. My mom is an expert mover, so she ordered a bunch of boxes and packing paper from a company called ULINE. They will ship you boxes, in a number of different sizes, that really help with the moving process. Having all of your boxes similar in size, and with lids, helps with the packing and stacking.
I wanted to share with any of my readers out there who are moving, something that really helped me with the planning and organizing process, because moving it the best and worst thing ever.
From Scratch With Maria Provenzano ULINE