Induction Cooktop by Avalon Bay
Induction Cooktop by Avalon Bay
When I am cooking food, it seems like I am always running out of space on my stove. One of the hardest parts of making a big dinner, and sometimes any dinner for that matter, is the timing. Since I always feel like I need either more space on my cooktop, or another burner, I have incorporated a new induction burner into my kitchen. The Avalon Bay Induction Burner is my new kitchen toy!
I was presently surprised at how efficient this induction cooktop was when I tried it out for the first time. I did a live event a few months ago, and had to use an induction cooktop for the segment, and it didn’t go so well. So, I was a bit apprehensive when trying this one. I will tell you, this one works! I was shocked at how quickly it boils water.
When it comes to an induction cooktop there are a few specifics that are required to get the best results. You have to make sure that you are using the correct pots and pans. They need to be magnetic or the cooktop will not be able to heat it up. There are other kinds of skillets that can be used as well, like cast iron, but make sure to read the instructions first, of course, to make sure you are on the right track.
The thing I like most about the induction cooktop is how much control I have. There are two ways to control the heat, and that is with power or temperature. The power is in watts and the temperature is in degrees. So this way you can adjust accordingly. The induction cooktop can be controlled so well that you can actually melt chocolate in a pan instead of using a double boiler, which is usually when I do when I melt chocolate. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about inconsistent heat. When you have a regular gas stovetop, you are constantly moving the heat up and down, and with the induction cooktop you don’t need to do that! The heat will stay at the power or temperature that you set it at.
This induction cooktop is a perfect way to keep food warm when I need more space at the stove. It is also a great idea for entertaining, when you are trying to keep food warm without having to leave your gas stove on. Plus, you can set a timer!
Here is a video from Avalon Bay with more information on how the induction cooktop works!
Induction Cooktop by Avalon Bay
Induction Cooktop by Avalon Bay
Induction Cooktop by Avalon Bay
Induction Cooktop by Avalon Bay