{Free Printable} Babysitter Notes For Children Ages 1 and Up!

Baby Sitter Notes For Children Ages 1 and Up!

Baby Sitter Notes For Children Ages 1 and Up!

It's Friday!!!

I hope you have really fun plans for a date night, or girl's night out. I, on the other hand, will be home trying to recover from this terrible sickness. This year has been nonstop between myself, my husband, and my son, we haven't been healthy for more than a week! Crazy! I am hoping this is the last bit of sickness we will be dealing with for awhile since the weather is starting to get warmer. With that said, I'm also hoping for more date nights.

Whenever I am getting ready for a babysitter to come over, I feel like I never know if I have everything prepared. In order to get myself organized, I thought I would create a great template for all of the information I want my sitter to know while we are gone.

Parent Info: This is important for obvious reasons. If your sitter needs to get ahold of you, then she/he has the information quickly accessible. I also think it is a good idea to have your names written down for the sitter. She/he may know your name, but not your significant other's name. It is also important that she/he knows where you are.

Home address: This is important in case the sitter has an emergency (god forbid), and needs to call 911. Then she/he can give them the address right away.

In Case of Emergency: These numbers are great to have in case your sitter cannot get ahold of you.

Play: This is a space to give the sitter ideas on how to entertain your little ones.

Food: It is a good idea to prep as much as you can, so that your sitter knows what they are getting into. Let them know what to feed your kids for snacks, dinner, etc. This is also a good place to let them know about any allergies.

Bedtime Routine: Every child has a different routine, this is a great way to make sure your sitter knows exactly what your child needs.

Don't forget: This is a great space to write in little reminders like medicine, or homework, etc.

No-No's: There are some things that kids will try and convince sitters they can have, and the sitter may not know if it is allowed or not. Things like sugar, certain movies/channels, etc.

While We Were Out: This is something I don't think I have seen on other Babysitter Notes that are out there. I feel like I come home and ask a million questions. This is a great place for the sitter to write down what happened while you were away. You can ask them to be specific, like what time they actually went to sleep, did they argue with their siblings, etc. I always want to know everything that happened, so for all the other crazy parents out there like myself, this one is for you!

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Babysitter Notes For Children Ages 1 and Up!

Babysitter notes for kids ages 1 and up

Babysitter notes for kids ages 1 and up

Babysitter Notes For Children Ages 1 and Up!