Everyday Make-Up Favorites

maria provenzano make up

maria provenzano make up

Working from home AND being a full-time mom can be a difficult balance. I find myself getting stuck in the rut of yoga pants, not doing my hair, and waiting untill nap-time to put on a little make-up.  It's hard to "get ready" when your day consists of chasing a toddler, getting covered with sand at the park, and finding mac and cheese in your hair.  With that said though, I also started to feel unmotivated, and found myself accomplishing less in my day.  We all get stuck in these "ruts," especially when we aren't getting a lot of sleep.  When I was pregnant, women would always tell me how tired I was going to be as a mom, and I never believed them.  I am lucky that my son is a great sleeper 90% of the time, but when he is sick, or teething, or practicing his independence, that makes it a difficult night for me.

For the past 6 months I set a goal for myself to "get ready" for the day.  Now, I'm not always perfect (some nights are longer than others), but I do try! I found that if I wake up in the morning and put on some make-up, that I was at least doing one thing for myself that day, and it gave me the energy boost that I needed.

Here are some of my latest everyday make-up favorites! These items are great for casual days, but they are also nice and light for the upcoming hot summer days.

Cera Ve Sunscreen; I'm in love with this sunscreen! It's easy on your skin (my dermatologist recommends it), and it actually works as a great primer for your foundation.  It creates a smooth surface on your skin that allows the foundation to sit nicely and not look cakey.

Bare Minerals Bare Skin Foundation; I was putting on my expensive Make-Up Forever (which I love) foundation daily!  I was breaking out and spending too much money.  I still use that foundation on the days I film, take pictures, or simply get dressed to go to dinner, etc. I found that for my daily routine that this bare minerals foundation is MUCH easier on my skin.  A little goes a long way!  It evens out your skin tone and is nice to your skin at the same time.  When I switched to this daily, my breakouts were much better!

Neutrogena Healthy Skin Bronzer; I'm a bronzer fanatic! The problem with that is they can be expensive, and I go through them quickly.  I started using this one from Neutrogena...and I really like it.  It's not as wonderful as my NARS bronzer, but for my daily trips to the park (or craft supply) it's great!

Tarte Creaseless Concealer; I'm obsessed!!  This is hands down the best concealer I have come across!  I literally cannot say enough good things about it. Now, you may be thinking it's over-the-top to put on this much make-up for being around the house or running errands, but once you use this concealer you will know why.  I'm not sponsored by them and I'm not getting paid by them... I literally just love this make-up.  It makes me feel like I don't look as tired as I am.  THAT is why I love it.  It makes you look bright, and refreshed, and like you got a few more hours of sleep than you actually did.  It's worth a try.

beautyblender; Ok...if you read my blog at all, you know how much I love this thing! Just get it already! It helps your make-up blend into your skin beautifully.

Cynthia Rowley Illuminator; This one is definitely optional (I don't use it every single day), but when I do I love it.  I got this illuminator, aka highlighter, in my BirchBox this month.  I have yet to find a highlighter that I like (especially liquid), but this one is really pretty and WORKS!  If you are shopping around for something fun to try, this is it!

Beauty, StyleMariaComment