DIY Snowy Puffy Paint Craft

DIY Snowy Puffy Paint Craft

I’m a sucker for a snow day!!! When I was growing up in Michigan I just couldn’t wait for the first snow fall AND the first snow day. Not only was it a great day away from school, but it was such a fun excuse to load up the snow gear and play outside for hours. When I would come back inside, my mom would have warm food waiting for me and I would be beyond tired at the end of the day. The only problem is, when we would have back to back snow days, we could only spend so much time outside!! When you are looking for ways to entertain kids inside, crafting is always a good idea.

I have seen so much progress with my kids abilities and interests when it comes to anything creative. It’s really fun to see their little brains develop and this DIY is the perfect project for a snow day…or any day for that matter!! I miss the snow, so I wanted to create our own little personal “snow day” at our house.

I’m a product of 80’s crafting, and in the 80’s we used puffy paint….lots of puffy paint. Did you know that when you mix equal parts shaving cream and school glue that you can make your own puffy paint. I do not recommend this “puffy paint” for anything else besides paper, meaning, don’t use it to decorate glasses, clothes, bags, and all the other things we used to decorate with puffy paint in the 80’s. This is a fun paper craft to do with your kids.

Tips for making DIY Snowy Puffy Paint Craft From Scratch

  • Use shaving cream that doesn’t have a strong smell!! Believe me, or your kids will smell like it for the rest of the day. I found one from Target that “smelled like the ocean.” Ha! Very “snow day” appropriate.

  • Make sure you get the foamy shaving cream! Not the gel that turns into foam. Why are there so many kinds of shaving cream?

  • The best glue for this is non-toxic school glue. Easy, peasy.

  • I also recommend non-toxic paint. Crayola is my favorite!

  • If you want the feel of “puffy paint” you can fill plastic squeeze bottles with the paint.


  • School glue

  • Foamy shaving cream

  • non-toxic paint

  • bowls

  • spatulas

  • paint brushes

  • paper; preferably cardstock or some sort of thicker paper

  • plastic squeeze bottles; optional

  • Additional supplies; google eyes, glitter, sticks, foam sheets to cut to details like a carrot nose, etc.


  1. Mix together equal parts glue and shaving cream in a bowl using a spatula until they are well combined.

  2. Add some paint to the mixture if you want to add a certain color.

  3. Paint!! Use the paint brushes to apply the paint to paper and create a design or fill a plastic tube with the paint and squeeze the paint out to apply designs onto the paper.

  4. Add additional decor if desired!

  5. Have fun :)