DIY Fall Games
DIY Fall Games
It is time to get outside and enjoy the fall air! Right now in Los Angeles, we have crazy winds that bring in hot weather, so it doesn't feel like fall. I always miss living in Michigan during the fall season, but it's even worse when it's hot in LA. I look forward to getting out all of my coats and sweaters and walk outside in the crisp fall air....ahhhhhh well.... in the meantime let's play some fall games, shall we?
Aren't these so fun? It doesn't matter if you are in warm or cold weather right now, get outside and enjoy the season. I don't know about you, but golf is a big deal in our house. I mean, what is it with men and golf? I don't think I know one guy who doesn't love it! Take a look at my segment from Home and Family for how to put it together.
Materials for DIY Pumpkin Golf
Fake carve-able pumpkins
X-acto knife
Putting mat
PVC pipe
Materials for Butternut Squash Bowling
About 10 Butternut squash
Red masking tape or red gaff tape
Mini pumpkin (for bowling ball)
Directions for Pumpkin Golf
1. Lay down your putting mat. 2. Create your pumpkin obstacles with your carve-able pumpkins. Using your x-acto knife cut out the bottom of your pumpkin. Then cut whatever design you prefer for the ball to go through. 3. Place your pumpkin obstacles on top of putting mat. 4. Then finish off with gourds any additional obstacles you prefer to set on the putting mat.
Directions for Butternut Squash Bowling
1. Take your red tape & wrap around the top of the butternut squash & another piece slightly below to get the bowling pin look. 2. Set them up in the shape of a triangle. 3. Take your mini pumpkin & shave the stem off to use as a bowling ball. 4. Bowl away!
DIY Fall Games