Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas
Chocolate covered frozen bananas generally mean two different thing to people. Either they are a healthy dessert option OR they remind you of when you were a kid at a park like Disney and devoured chocolate covered frozen bananas on hot days. This is one of my husbands favorite desserts so I have had plenty of trial and error trying to perfect it. I found out the hard way that having the bananas frozen first (with the toothpick in them) is really the only way to dip them. THEN, after making these a million times, I learned I have to somehow thin out the chocolate. A lot of people do this with shortening, which I don't use in my cooking or baking. Sooooo to make a long story...well... longer... I experimented by adding coconut oil and perfection was achieved!! By adding the coconut oil to the chocolate and melting it down created a thinner chocolate that hardens quickly. It turns into a chocolate shell that reminds me of a Klondike bar! It's the best banana to chocolate ratio.Keep these in your freezer for a perfect summer treat!
Here's what you need:
Bananas; however many you want to dip
10oz chocolate of your choice; I like dark
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Roasted peanuts; chopped into small pieces (optional)
*Cut bananas into about 2 inch size pieces and place on a sheet lined with wax paper
*Stick a toothpick into each banana piece and place in the freezer for about 3 hours or overnight
*Make a double boiler by placing a heatproof bowl over a pan with simmering water (making sure the water isn't touching the bowl)
*Place the chocolate and coconut oil in the bowl and allow it to slowly melt; stirring occasionally
*When the chocolate is ready grab the frozen bananas out of the freezer and lower the heat on the double boiler
*Dip the frozen banana into the chocolate mixture; tilting the bowl if needed
*Allow extra chocolate to drip off the banana piece
*Sprinkle with peanuts, over another surface, if using
*Place the dipped banana back into the wax paper
*The chocolate coating should harden quickly
*Place back into freezer until ready to eat!!